3D-Metalldruck in der Leichtbaukonstruktion

materialoptimiert und stabil

3D metal printing

We are using mainly for the 3D metal printing process stainless steel powder of the alloy 1.4404 and the alloy 1.4301 but tool steel with the alloy 1.2709 is possible as well. The specialty of LaserJob Rapid.3D is the production of components with complex geometries and filigree forms, with cavities, undercuts or overhanging structures. Without using clamping or molding tools the highly complex components and structures are realized with the 3D metal printing process. Wall thicknesses of < 0,150mm are realized with the 3D metal printing process. The 3D printing process is mainly used for mold making and tooling, machinery and plant engineering, as well as automotive-, medicine and aerospace industry.


enormous freedom of design
Realisation of highly complex component geometries
save material
extremely short production times for prototypes
reduced expenses















Laser Cutting

Laser Cutting

various parts in copper with mechanical treatment: bending technology

Laser Cutting

Laser Cutting

laser cutted structrue with small web width of 200-300µm in stainless steel.

Laser Cutting

Laser Cutting

Nitinol wire in a diameter of 400µm. Centre splitted with a gap of 20µm.

Laser Cutting

Laser Cutting

various parts in stainless steel with mechanical treatment: bending technology

When does the 3D printing start paying for itself?

If you compare the single terms of the existing technologies only, then the 3D metal printing process seems to be not very economical. But if you consider the integrated advantages of the 3D metal printing process and the enormous freedom in design and construction then the decision turned in favor of the 3D metal printing process. By high pricing applications like prototyping it is always worth the 3D metal printing process.

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LaserJob GmbH
Liebigstraße 14
82256 Fürstenfeldbruck